Photography Paper Sizes
All Photography paper sizes, formats, information and dimension in mm, cm, m, inches, points, picas and pixels. The Photography category has a total of 15 paper sizes.
The standard Photographic sizes are usually named with a format ‘nR’. In this format, the number ‘n’ stands for the length of the shortest side in inches. In the normal series, to find the longest side, you just use the length of the shortest side and add 2 inches. This works only for formats with the longest side of 10 inches or less. When the longest side is 11 inches and above, you can use the length of the shortest side and add 3 inches. There is another series called the Super series. This series is named with a format ‘SnR’. The Super series has an aspect ratio of roughly 3:2. You can make exact scaling of prints because the photographic prints have different aspect ratios. The same print sizes are used for the Japanese photographic standard with the only difference that they use different names like for example the Japanese ‘2L’ matches ‘5R’ and the Japanese ‘L’ matches ‘3R’.
Format | Width x Height (mm) | Width x Height (inch) | Width x Height (px) |
A3+ Super B | 330 x 483 | 13 x 19 | 3898 x 5705 |
11R | 279 x 356 | 11 x 14 | 3295 x 4205 |
S8R, 6PW | 203 x 305 | 8 x 12 | 2398 x 3602 |
8R, 6P | 203 x 254 | 8 x 10 | 2398 x 3000 |
6R | 152 x 203 | 6 x 8 | 1795 x 2398 |
2LW | 127 x 190 | 5 x 7.5 | 1500 x 2244 |
5R, 2L | 127 x 178 | 5 x 7 | 1500 x 2102 |
2LD, DSCW | 127 x 169 | 5 x 6.7 | 1500 x 1996 |
4R, KG | 102 x 152 | 4 x 6 | 1205 x 1795 |
KGD | 102 x 136 | 4 x 5.4 | 1205 x 1606 |
LW | 89 x 133 | 3.5 x 5.2 | 1051 x 1571 |
3R, L | 89 x 127 | 3.5 x 5 | 1051 x 1500 |
LD, DSC | 89 x 119 | 3.5 x 4.7 | 1051 x 1406 |
2R | 64 x 89 | 2.5 x 3.5 | 756 x 1051 |
Passport Photo | 35 x 45 | 1.4 x 1.8 | 413 x 531 |